Customer Inquiry

Customer Inquiry Request

For Homes Actively Under Construction

This form is used to communicate a question or clarification request by a Buyer regarding an active job.

Please fill out all areas and best describe your question or concern requesting clarification. This will help us gather as much information as quickly as possible to address your question or concern quickly and efficiently.
This information will be forwarded to proper personnel today and someone will respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.

Click Here to download a PDF form to Email, Mail or Fax to us.

* Indicates required field.

    Please describe your inquiry or question*

    If this is regarding an item on your PRICE DETERMINATION WORKSHEET attached in your contract, please provide item number here.

    If this is regarding an item on your fully executed COLOR SELECTION SHEET, please indicate page here.

    If this is regarding an item on CHANGE OF WORK ORDER, please provide the Work Order number and line number here

    Work Order #

    Line #

    Please attach up to (4) photos if available: